Yazar adı: ubeydullahsevgili

Robotik Diz Protezi Ameliyatı

Diz kireçlenmesi Total diz protezi ameliyatı en yaygın yapılan eklem protezi prosedürüdür. Bu durum nüfus yaşlandıkça, obezite oranı arttıkça artması bekleniyor. Total diz protezi en sık nedeni yaşlanma ile ortaya çıkan osteoartrit. Osteoartrit bilinen adıyla kireçlenme diz eklem kıkırdağında aşınma ve yıpranmasıdır. Osteoartritte diz eklemindeki koruyucu kıkırdak aşınmaya başlar zamanla kemik yüzeyler açığa çıkar. Bu

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Nerve Compression

Nerve Compression Nerve compression, also known as a pinched nerve, occurs when a nerve is squeezed or compressed. This condition usually results from surrounding tissues applying pressure on the nerve. Symptoms may include pain, numbness, tingling and even muscle weakness. Nerve compression often occurs in the spine, neck, back or joints and is typically associated

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“Spinal displacement” commonly referred to as “lumbar slip”, describes a condition affecting the lower back region. This issue arises when the vertebrae in the lumbar spine shift or herniate, often leading to discomfort. Individuals may experience pain that intensifies with certain movements or after prolonged periods of standing. Treatment generally involves rest, physical therapy, exercise

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Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is commonly caused by muscle strain, overuse or structure issues in the spine. Incorrect posture, prolonged sitting and heavy lifting are everyday activities that often lead to lower back pain. Those experiencing lower back pain may benefit from home remedies such as hot or cold compresses. However, if the pain is persistent

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Rheumatism Rheumatism is a general term that describes a broad group of diseases affecting the joints, muscles and connective tissue. These diseases often cause symptoms such as pain, swelling, stiffness and limited movement. Many rheumatic diseases are autoimmune, developing when the immune system attacks the body’s own tissues. Content What is Rheumatism? Rheumatism is a

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Orthopedic Oncology

Orthopedic Oncology Orthopedic oncology is the branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of tumors originating from bone and soft tissues. These tumors can be classified as benign, malignant or locally aggressive. They can also be categorized base on the tissue of origin such as bone cells, cartilage cells, fat tissue, vascular tissue or

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Femur Fracture Nailing

Femur Fracture Nailing A femur fracture is a break in the femur, which is the longest bone in the upper leg. These types of fractures usually occur due to high-energy trauma, falls, sport injuries or traffic accidents. A femur fracture is a serious injury that requires immediate treatment. In this article, detailed information will be

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